Deep Cleaning Services San Diego

Some people enjoy cleaning because it’s therapeutic while others do not. Even for those who like keeping their personal space clutter-free, doing the same repetitive chores daily may become monotonous. Add your work, school, and other more important tasks to the mix and cleaning does not remain a priority.

Over time, dust and clutter accrete in random forgotten places around the house. We know what needs to be done, but the work seems humongous. So we put it off to the next week and then the one after that. If you feel like we just described your situation, even remotely, your home may be long overdue for a deep cleaning.

deep cleaning services san diego

Deep Cleaning Services San Diego

Coastal House Cleaning is here to help. Once we’re through with your place, it will be squeaky clean and good as new.

Why Deep Cleaning Is What Your Home May Need

Sometimes, a clean personal space is all that’s needed to get your life back in order. We, the team at Coastal House Cleaning have been a trusted name in San Diego residential cleaning. We believe that every person and family deserves a clean and safe home, it is our mission to make every client’s life even a bit easier.

Here’s what’s included in every deep cleaning:

  • Clean cobwebs and dust shelves
  • Dust ceiling fan & blades
  • Vacuum carpeted areas
  • Sweep and mop hardwood floors
  • Clean all light switches & door knobs
  • Stove and appliances cleaned
  • Countertops and backsplashes cleaned
  • Clean & dry shower door, track & glass
  • Clean the inside and outside of toilets
  • Blinds, shutters, and window ledges wiped down
  • Baseboards dusted and wiped clean
  • Much more! Visit our residential cleaning checklist to view everything included with your deep cleaning service.

Here’s a small non-exhaustive list of what your home will get when you buy our deep cleaning service:

A Clutter-Free Home

No annoying clutter scattered throughout your house. We sort through it and keep only what you want.

Time Management

When you don’t have to spend time cleaning, you can make time for things that really matter.

Big Return On A Small Investment

A clean house, no anxiety, and confidence, what’s better than these at a nominal cost?

Reduce Stress

Our environment has a direct impact on our mood and mental health. A simple change to healthier environments can make you feel much better.

No Dust And Gets Rid Of Allergens

Dust is the bane of homeowners, it’s neither easy to clean nor can it be simply ignored.

Address Critter Problems

Do you have spiders and other unwanted critters crawling around your walls and shelves? You won’t anymore.

Home Sanitization

Bacteria and viruses thrive when they have plenty to feast on, especially in an unclean house. We sanitize homes and kill the most harmful microorganisms.

A clean home is a happy home. After a hard day’s work, anyone would want to come back to their safe space and not have to worry about cleaning it. We at Coastal House Cleaning guarantee that you will love the results and want us back in your home. Get in touch with us today over the phone or click below for instant quotes and online booking.


Recent Deep Cleans: